Placing Your Retouching Order

To place a retouching order, please follow the steps below.

  1. Visit or go to our website and click on the Log in > enter your email address and password > click Log in again.
  2. You can place a retouching order through Submit Order or My Orders.

    You will be redirected to the Submit Order page should you click Create  New under My Orders.

    You can then upload your photos in three ways.
    1. Select the photos from Dropbox.
    2. Drag and drop files from your computer to the browser.
    3. Browse your computer to find the images.

    Image Format Recommendations for Retouching

    You can send your images in the following format, JPG, PSD or Tiff.

    Please note that you can not upload images with the same file name and need to rename them as required.

  3. Select your image specifications by clicking on the pen icon to see the options

    You can choose from the following standard retouching specifications.
    Background color:
    · White · Black · Transparent

    File Type:
    · JPG
    · PNG - This file type is only available for Transparent background

    Retouching Finish:
    · Shadow - This retouching finish is not compatible with Black background
    · Reflection
    · None

    File Size:
    · Original · 1080 x 1080 · Custom
    Artboard 9-3

    When you select the File size Custom option, you will need to indicate the specific width and height and choose whether in px or cm.

    You can also add our other retouching services by toggling on the option.

    For Hallmarking, you will need to upload your logo in PNGPSD, or AI format and include instructions as needed.

    For Color Changes, you can select either white gold, yellow gold, or rose gold.

    If you want to purchase a PSD or TIFF version of your retouched images, just select it from the option.

    You can set the specifications as default when placing a retouching order by ticking on the save box and then click Save.

    After selecting the specifications, you can view a sample image of the end result by clicking on View.

    Example: White background, JPG, Shadow, Original.
  4. To add any required additional instructions, click on the pen icon again and input the details on the Add additional instruction box.

    You can also add additional instructions specific to an image by going to the Upload files section, click on the Additional instructions icon, and input details. Then, click Add.

    If your image contains more than one item, please specify correctly by clicking the right arrow to increase the number or the left arrow to decrease it.
  5. You can review your order by clicking on View order details. The total price is calculated automatically based on the number of images required and add-ons for retouching.

  6. When you are ready to place the order, click on Proceed to payment and complete your payment details. Then, click Place order.
  7. Congratulations! You have successfully placed your Picup Media retouching order.

  8. To download your invoice, click the Download invoice button.

    You can also download your invoice through My Orders > click on the invoice to download it.