Please note that once you have an account you will need to place your order through your retouching dashboard. You can see the instructions in this help article.
To place a retouching order, please follow the steps below:
- Visit
- You may also choose to sign in through or place an order directly.
Placing Order Through Retouching Dashboard
1. Click on the Sign In icon to access
Placing Order Directly
1. Enter your full name, email, phone number, and company website. Click "NEXT".There are three ways to do upload your photos:
Drag and drop files from your computer to the browser
Browse your computer to find the files
Select the files from Dropbox
You can also add our other retouching services.
For Hallmark, you will need to upload your logo in PNG, PSD, or AI file and include instructions as needed.
For Color Changes, you can select either white gold, yellow gold, or rose gold. Then, include instructions as required.
If you want to purchase a PSD or TIFF version of your retouched images, just select it from the option.
6. Read and agree to the Terms and Conditions. Click "PLACE ORDER". Congratulations! You have successfully placed your Picup Media retouching order.
7. To download your invoice, click the "Download invoice" button.