Why Are My GemHub Mobile Photos Pending On The GemHub Desktop Application?

You may occasionally notice a "Pending Uploads" prompt in the GemHub desktop application gallery for images taken on the GemHub mobile app.

This can occur for the following reasons:


Cloud Storage Full

When cloud storage is full, uploads from mobile devices (including GemCam) will pause, and new media will not save.

You may consider increasing your cloud storage space or upgrading your subscription in this case to accommodate more media.


Sync Disrupted

Sometimes, pending uploads appear if the sync process was interrupted, and media is still awaiting sync on the GemHub mobile app.

To ensure all media is synced:

Open the GemHub mobile app, go to Profile, and tap on Cloud Syncing.

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Check for any images or videos awaiting sync and let the process complete.

Ensure that you have a stable internet connection during this process to avoid interruptions.

Once the sync finishes, the "Pending Uploads" prompt on the desktop application will disappear.