Using the Zoom and Erase Tool

Erase Brush and Zoom Tool

The Erase Brush and Zoom Tool in the GemHub are two powerful editing features that can help you refine and perfect your jewelry photos.

The Erase Brush allows you to remove any unwanted elements from your images with ease, while the Zoom Tool allows you to enlarge the image to better see and edit smaller details.

To use the Zoom and Erase Tool together

1. Click on the image you want to edit and click on "Edit Media." This will open the GemHub Image Editor.
2. Open the image that you want to edit

Use the Zoom Tool to enlarge the image

1. Click on the Zoom Tool in the toolbox on the top right-hand side of the screen.
2. Click and drag on the slider.
3. You can zoom in and out as needed to get a better view of the area you want to edit.

Use the Erase Brush to remove unwanted parts of the image

1. Click on the Erase Brush in the toolbox on the left-hand side of the screen.
2. Adjust the size of the brush using the slider.
3. Click and drag the brush over the area you want to remove.
If you make a mistake, click on the "Undo" button to undo the last stroke.
You can repeat this process until you have removed all unwanted parts of the image.

Save your edited image

Once you are happy with the changes you have made, save your image by clicking on the "Save" button and selecting "Save Changes" or "Save As New Media". This will save your file, and images saved as new media will appear at the top of the page.

Here’s a tutorial video: