Resizing and Crop Your Image and Canvas

Resize Your Image

Resizing an image is a common task in image editing, and it can be done easily using our Image Editor. In this article, we'll explain how to resize an image by dragging one of its corners in the Image Editor.

Steps to Resize an Image

  1. Open the Image Editor

    Click on the image you want to edit in the Gallery or Product section and click on Edit Media. This will bring you to the Image Editor.

  2. Select the image

    Select your image by clicking on it. You'll know the image is selected when it's highlighted with a border around it.

  3. Drag the corner of the image After selecting the image, you'll see a set of squares, called handles, around the edges of the image. These handles allow you to resize the image. Click on one of the corners of the image and drag it inwards or outwards, depending on the size you want the image to be.

    Make sure to hold down the cursor while dragging the image.

  4. Save your resized image Once you've resized the image to your desired size, save it by clicking on the Save button and selecting Save Changes or Save As New Media. This will save your file and images saved as new media will appear at the top of the page.


Resizing an image is a simple task that can be done easily using our Image Editor. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can resize your images quickly and easily, without any hassle.

Here’s a quick tutorial video on how to Resize your images:


Crop Your Image

Cropping an image is a common task in image editing that involves removing unwanted parts of an image. This can be done easily using our GemHub Image Editor.

To crop your image using the GemHub Image Editor, here is what you can do:

  1. Open the GemHub Image Editor Click on the image you want to edit in the Gallery or Product section and click on Edit Media. This will open the GemHub Image Editor.
  2. Select the image Select your image by clicking on it. You'll know the image is selected when it's highlighted with a border around it.
  3. Open the Crop Tool Find the Crop Tool in the GemHub Image Editor. The Crop Tool is located in the Edit menu. Click on the Crop Tool to activate it.
  4. Drag the cursor to crop the image Click and hold down the cursor on one corner of the image, then drag the cursor diagonally to the opposite corner of the image to create a rectangular selection. Make sure to hold down the cursor while dragging the image. You can adjust the size of the selection by dragging the corners or edges of the selection box.
  5. Crop the image Once you've selected the area you want to keep, lick on the Crop button to crop the image. The unwanted areas outside the selection will be removed.
  6. Save your cropped image Once you've cropped the image to your desired preference, save it by clicking on the Save button and selecting Save Changes or Save As New Media. This will save your file, and images saved as new media will appear at the top of the page.

Cropping an image is a common task in jewelry design, and the GemHub Image Editor makes it easy and efficient. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can crop your images quickly and easily, without any hassle.

Here’s a quick tutorial on how to crop your image:

Resize Your Canvas

Resizing the canvas when editing jewelry pieces can provide you greater flexibility and customization, allowing you to create a better composition that highlights the unique features of your jewelry. This can help your pieces stand out in a crowded marketplace and attract more potential customers.

Additionally, by optimizing your images for different social media platforms and online marketplaces, you can increase your reach and gain a competitive edge

Follow these simple steps to resize the canvas of your jewelry piece:

  1. Open the GemHub Image Editor: Click on the image you want to edit in the Gallery or Product section and click on Edit Media. This will open the GemHub Image Editor.
  2. Click on Resize Canvas: In the GemHub Image Editor, click on the "Resize Canvas" button.
  3. Adjust the canvas size: There are three ways to adjust the canvas size in the GemHub Image Editor:
  • Manually adjust the size of the canvas.
  • Use the Custom width and height box to specify the size you want your canvas to be in.
  • Select from a series of the most used sizes across social and marketplace platforms. Simply select the size you want from the dropdown list, and the canvas will be automatically resized.

4.  Click and drag the canvas to fit your image: Once you have adjusted the canvas size, click and drag the canvas to fit your image.

5.  Save your canvas: Once you have your desired canvas size, save your image by clicking on the "Save" button and selecting "Save Changes" or "Save As New Media". This will save your file, and images saved as new media will appear at the top of the page.

Here’s a quick tutorial video on how to resize your canvas:


Photo Editing Techniques: Crop and Resize

Photo editing involves various techniques to enhance or modify images according to specific requirements. Two fundamental methods are "Crop" and "Resize," each serving distinct purposes and yielding different outcomes.

Crop Technique: When utilizing the Crop technique, an image is trimmed or cut to a desired frame, focusing on a particular subject or element within the photo. The original file size remains unaffected, encompassing the entirety of the image even after cropping. The vacant space resulting from cropping is typically filled with a white background. Notably, if a Background Removal tool was employed before cropping, and a black or transparent background was chosen, the cropped area's background will adopt the selected black or transparent attributes, respectively. The Crop technique allows precise composition adjustments while retaining the original file dimensions.

Resize Technique: In contrast, the Resize technique involves altering the dimensions of the entire image. When resizing an image, its overall size is modified to fit new width and height measurements. Unlike cropping, which retains the original file size, resizing results in a change in the image's dimensions. This means that any cropping done during the resizing process will be permanently reflected in the final saved image. The Resize technique is useful for adjusting an image's overall scale to match specific requirements.

In summary, the Crop technique enables focused composition adjustments while preserving the original file size and accommodating background attributes from prior edits. On the other hand, the Resize technique entails altering the image's dimensions, impacting its overall scale while retaining any cropping changes made during the process. Both techniques offer distinct advantages for tailored photo editing needs.