Having Questions on the Service Provided?

Do we provide a retouching free trial?

Certainly! We offer 1 free trial per customer.

Simply upload an image here, add additional instructions if required and we'll return your image within 24 hours!

Do we provide video retouching service?

We do not provide video retouching services at the moment.

Do we provide retouching for model images?

Please contact our Retouching Team at retouching@picupmedia.com for a free review and quotation of your model images.

Do we provide image stacking retouching service?

We provide image stacking and the image will retain as a .jpg format. The output will be counted separately from image stacking. This will mean that an image stacking job of 1 image will be counted as 2 images.

Can we manipulate the angle of the jewelry for retouching?

It is not possible to manipulate the angle of the image (i.e. change from a front angle to a side angle) as it is a 2-dimensional object. Instead, we recommend you reshoot the image in the desired angles and resend it to us for retouching.

To place an order, please click on this retouching order link.

Can I cancel my retouching order after placing it?

All payments made by you to Picup Media for retouching orders are non-refundable except in cases where Picup Media has incorrectly charged you due to miscalculation.

If you have made an error or duplication in an order, please contact our retouching team at retouching@picupmedia.com for immediate assistance.

For more information, please refer to our terms of services here.

Will asymmetrical earrings count as one or two images for retouching?

If an asymmetric pair of earrings are meant to be worn together, then it is still considered as a single product and will be charged accordingly.

What is Hallmarking?

Hallmarking is a service that we provide ( part of the retouching service) where the customer supplies with their logo and incorporate it onto all their jewelry images.