Enabling Filters for GemLightbox App

The GemLightbox App features several filters you can use to add different effects to your jewelry images.

The filters can be accessed via the camera mode:

Filter Modes


The Manual filter allows you to manually adjust the brightness and capture the highest quality possible of your jewelry images. There are no added effects to this filter. We recommend the Manual mode for advanced users.

White Background

The White Background filter allows you to adjust the white background and tones of your jewelry. The White Background is the default mode camera mode and is recommended for new users.


The Eclipse filter is specifically used to capture images and videos on a black background.

To access the Eclipse filter, it must be first enabled:


GemLightbox Filter

The GemLightbox Filter is used when using the GemLightbox.

GemLightbox Pro Filter

The GemLightbox Pro Filter is used when using the GemLightbox Pro.

GemLightbox Pro Eclipse Filter

The GemLightbox Pro Filter is used when using the GemLightbox Pro preset:


Macro Filter

The Maco Filter is used when using the GemLightbox Macro.

GemLoupe Filter

The GemLoupe Filter is used when using the GemLoupe.