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  2. GemHub
  3. Gallery, Products and Catalog

Customizing A Catalog

When creating a catalog of your products to showcase, you can customize the catalogs with your own branding and call to actions tailored to your company's and brand's requirements.


To customize a catalog, follow the steps below:

1. Log into the dashboard and navigate to the settings section by clicking on your profile.

Artboard 18-Jan-09-2024-08-13-33-0807-AM2. In settings, click on the "Share Settings" tab.Artboard 19-43. Scroll down to the "Link Settings" section, upload your company logo and input your company details; when you are done click the "Save Changes" button.Artboard 20-Jan-09-2024-08-13-52-1314-AM4. Once you are ready to send out a catalog as a shared link, the information which you entered in the "Catalog Info" tab will be displayed when the receiving party clicks the "Contact Us" button in the shared catalog and your logo will be visible in the header of every page in the shared catalog.Artboard 21-3

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