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  3. Gallery, Products and Catalog

Creating And Editing Collections

Introducing Collections on GemHub


The Collections feature on GemHub allows you to create and share a curated selection of your products, complete with detailed information.

With this customizable showcase, you can effortlessly highlight your best pieces, making it easy for others to browse and appreciate your collection.

Organize multiple products into themed sets—whether by product range, style, or type of jewelry—giving your clients a more personalized and immersive experience.

Viewing Your Collection

There are 2 views available, grid view and list view. 

Grid View

This view allows you to be able to see preview images of your collections.

List View

This view allows you to see a short description of the collections that you have created. 

Creating A Collection

  1. Log into the dashboard and navigate to the Collection section.
  2. Click on the "Create Collection" button.
  3. There will be an option to create a Manual or Automatic Collection.

Please note that only images with an SKU in Gallery can be allowed to be added to Collections.

Manual Collection

With the manual collection, you can handpick each piece, giving you full control over how each collection looks: 

  • Select Manual Collection
  • Insert the name of the collection that you are creating together with their descriptions
  • Click on Add Products and select the products that you will like to add to the collection. 

Automatic Collection

Automatic collections allow you to be able efficiently create curated collections of your pieces with a click of the button. 

  • Select Automatic Collections
  • Insert the name of the collection that you are creating together with their descriptions
  • Click on the filter and select the attribute you want to create the collection with

    Adding Products To Your Collection

    You can easily add a product to your collection following the steps below: 

    • Go to the collection you want to add products
    • Click on Add Product
    • Select the products and confirm

    Sorting And Reordering Your Products In A Collection

    You can sort or reorder items using the sort button in the collection.


    Alternatively, you can manually rearrange the collection using the reorder button.