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  3. Gallery, Products and Catalog

Creating And Editing Catalogs

Catalog Introduction

The Catalog feature in the GemHub allows users to create and share their online compilation of products and their details. This customizable showcase can be easily accessed and viewed by others, allowing you to highlight your best products. You can organize and share multiple products to show a product range or specific types of jewelry, offering clients a more personalized experience.

Instructions for creating catalogs, previewing catalogs, editing catalogs and deleting catalogs

Creating a Catalog

  1. Log into the dashboard and navigate to the catalog section.
  2. In the catalog section, click on the "Create Catalog" button.
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  3. In the catalog side panel, there will be an option to create Manual Catalog or Automatic Catalog, choose Manual catalog, enter the catalog name and description, select products to add by ticking the box you want to include and press "Create" when you are complete.
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  4. Newly created catalog should be visible in the catalog section of your dashboard.Artboard 11-Jan-08-2024-08-15-08-8004-AM

Creating An Automatic Catalog

  1. Click on the catalog section of the GemHub and click create catalog. Choose automatic catalog.
  2. Select from the filters and all matching filters will be automatically added to the catalog then click apply.
  3. Add a catalog name and description and click create.

Editing a Catalog

  1. Log into the dashboard and navigate to the catalog section.
  2. Click on the catalog that you would like to edit.
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  3.  In the edit catalog side panel, you can:
    1. Delete products from the catalog by pressing the trash bin icon next to the product.

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    2. Add additional products to the catalog by selecting the plus icon at the middle of the side panel.
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    3. Change the catalog's name and optional catalog description by hovering your mouse and clicking it to the title or description.
    Once you have made the necessary edits, press enter.
  4. Your updated catalog product information should be visible inside of the catalog once you click on it to open its content.

Note: Editing your product attribute information inside of a catalog will result in those changes being reflected in the products section of your dashboard.

Preview Catalog

  1. Log into the dashboard and navigate to the catalog section.
  2. Select the preview icon next to the catalog which you like to view in shared catalog mode.
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  3. Your web browser should open a new tab showing you how your catalog will be displayed as a shared catalog link when you send it out to someone.

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Delete Catalog

  1. Log into the dashboard and navigate to the catalog section.
  2. Select the trash bin icon next to the catalog which you would like to delete and press "Yes, Confirm" in the pop up modal.
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  3. The deleted catalog will no longer be visible in the catalog section of your dashboard.Note: Deleting your catalogs will not affect your products in any way, they will still be visible in the products section of your dashboard.

Here’s a quick video tutorial: