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  2. GemHub
  3. Sharing, Embedding and Integrations

Creating and Customizing Share Link

The GemHub offers customizable shared links with options for contacts, products, branding, and media download buttons.

Creating the Share Link

You can choose to share your media as a public link that can be viewed by anyone, or as a password-protected private shareable link.

Public Link

  1. Log in to The GemHub.
  2. Navigate to the tab where you want to select media to share.
  3. Click on any of the media options in the tab that you want to share.
  4. Click on the Share button located in the top right-hand corner of the webpage.

    For the Product and Catalog tab, the Share button is located on the same row as the product or catalog you want to share.

  5. In the popup window, you can share the link by either copying it or sharing it instantly via email, Facebook, or WhatsApp.

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  6. After sharing the links, click on X to close the window.

Password-protected Private Shareable Link

  1. Repeat the steps 1 to 4 as described above.
  2. In the popup window, enter a password (minimum 6 characters), click "Copy link", and then close the window.
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  3. To check, paste the link into a new browser. This should prompt you to enter the password before viewing the image.Artboard 22-2

Note: The following steps apply to sharing across the Product, Gallery, and Catalog tabs.

Customizing the Share Link

You can customize your Sharing Settings on the GemHub to choose which information to share and how shared links will appear when opened.

Accessing Shared Links Settings

To do this, follow these simple steps:

  1.  Log in to The GemHub.
  2. Click on the "👤" icon to access your profile.
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  3. Click on the "Share Settings" tab to start customizing your share link.
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Shared Links Setting Functions

In the Share Settings tab, you can customize various functions:

LiveChat Button — Whatsapp

Enter a contact number linked to Whatsapp for your customers to reach you easily through the shared links.

Here is how to add a WhatsApp contact button to your product share links for your customers to get in touch.

  1. Navigate to the Settings Page by clicking on your Profile.
  2. In the settings click on the "Share Settings" tab and enter your WhatsApp phone number without the + sign.
  3. When done, click the "Save Changes" button.
  4. Navigate to your Products Page and click on the "Eye" icon to open up one of your products.
  5. Your product page will display a WhatsApp button for your customers to get in touch and enquire about your products.

Phone Number and Email

Add in a phone number and email so your customers can contact you directly through the shared link.

Here is how to add a Phone Number to your product share links for your customers to get in touch.

  1. Navigate to the Settings Page by clicking on your Profile.

  2. In the settings click on the "Share Settings" tab and enter your phone number without the + sign.

  3. When done, click the "Save Changes" button.
  4. Navigate to your Products Page and click on the "eye" icon to open up one of your products.
  5. Your product page will display an Enquire button.
  6. Click on the button and a Call Us button will appear for your customers to get in touch and enquire about your products.

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Show Related Products

Enabling this feature will allow your users to view items that belong to the same product type.

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Show Buy Now Button

Enable this feature to allow your users to purchase directly through the link. This feature is available for PRO plan users who have integrated GemHub with one of our selected payment features.

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Attributes Visibility

Enable this feature to allow your users to see all information relating to the product at one glance.

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Link Settings

Company logo

Add in your preferred logo so that your customers will be able to associate with your brand

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Company Info

Add in your company’s information so that your customers will be able to find out more about your company.

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Show logo and contact Info

Enable this function so that your customers will be able to see your company logo and information.

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Show Download Button

Enable this function so that your media files can be downloaded through the shared catalog links.

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