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  2. GemHub
  3. Gallery, Products and Catalog

Copying Products Between Catalogs

Here is how you can select individual products from one catalogue and copy them to another catalogue.

  1. Go to hub.gemlightbox.com
  2. Click on Catalog.Artboard 35-3
  3.  Select the catalog that you want to use.Artboard 36-Jan-08-2024-09-24-01-1004-AM
  4. Select the items that you want to use.Artboard 37-3
  5. Now, click on Copy.
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  6. A side window will pop out and you can now select the catalog that you want to port to.
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  7. Once you are ready, click on Copy.Artboard 40-2

Video Tutorial

Here is a video to show you how!