Connecting and Accessing Your GemLightbox Devices

You can connect to your GemLightbox products using the GemHub application.

To ensure a successful connection, please make sure that Bluetooth is enabled on both your GemLightbox device and your mobile phone. 

One user can log in using one account through our GemHub mobile application at any one time.

GemLightbox Users

Before moving forward, please ensure that your Turntable or Aerial is properly connected to your GemLightbox and powered on.

For the Turntable, verify that the white light at the back is illuminated, indicating that it is receiving power

For the Aerial, check for the white light at the top near the 4 magnets; if it’s lit, the Aerial is powered on.

GemLightbox Pro Users

To establish a connection, make sure your GemLightbox Pro is set to App Mode.
The switch for App Mode is located at the back of the GemLightbox Pro, close to the power outlet.

Other GemLightbox Products

For any other GemLightbox products that require Bluetooth connectivity, confirm that the device is powered on.

If you’re having trouble connecting, please review the following settings on your smartphone:

Android Smartphone Device

  1. Open up your Settings  and search for GemHub

   2.  Find and tap on Permissions.

   3.  Ensure Camera, Location, and Storage  are enabled.

iOS Smartphone Device

1. Open up your Settings and search for GemHub.

2. Ensure Bluetooth is enabled.

We also recommend trying the following steps if the above instructions do not work:

  1. Switch off your bluetooth settings and switch it back on
  2. Restart the GemHub App
  3. Restart your smartphone
  4. To restart your turntable, press the black button located on the side of the device twice. For the Aerial, simply unplug the power cord and then plug it back in to initiate a restart. For the GemLightbox Pro, flip the black button to the fast / slow mode and flip it to the App Mode again. 

It is essential to ensure that these steps are followed for all smartphone devices that have previously connected to your GemLightbox device.

The GemLightbox and its application are compatible with iPads; however, for optimal camera positioning to capture various angles of jewelry, we recommend using a smartphone or the GemCam.