Checking and Expediting Your Retouching Order

Checking Your Retouching Order

To check the status of your retouching order or your order history, please follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Dashboard Account.

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  2. Go to my order My Orders and search for the retouching order.

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  3. If your order is PROCESSING, then, our team is currently working on your order and will return it on the Due Date.

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    If your order is RETOUCHED, then, your order has been successfully completed and you may download your images at any time.

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    If your order is IN REVISION, then, our team is currently revising your images and will return them as soon as possible.

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    If your order status reads REVISION COMPLETED, then your images have been successfully revised by our team and are ready to download at any time.

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Expediting Your Retouching Order

You can request for a retouching order to be expedited should it be required.

Please contact and quote your order number and our retouching team will review your request.