Setting the Camera on the GemLightbox Application

Accessing Settings


  1. Launch the GemLightbox Application
  2. Click on Settings button on the bottom right of the page
  3. This will launch the Settings page


  1. Launch the GemLightbox Application
  2. Click on the Camera button in the center
  3. This will open the camera, click to open the filter selection
  4. On the pop up window, click on Settings.
  5. This will launch the Settings page.


Camera Settings on IOS and Android

Save photo in Max Resolution

This setting allows you to save the image at its maximum possible resolution. This means that you will save a high-resolution version of your jewelry photography.

Save photo as 300dpi

This setting allows you to save your jewelry photography at a specific resolution of 300 dots per inch (dpi).

Save videos in 4K

This setting allows you to save your jewelry videos in a high-resolution format known as 4K. It offers a much higher level of detail and sharpness, and you can ensure that your jewelry videos are saved in the highest possible resolution.

Enable photo compression

The "Enable Photo Compression" feature in the GemLightbox application allows you to control the file size and quality of the images you capture using the app. When enabled, the app compresses the image file to reduce its size and make it easier to share or upload to a website or online marketplace.

Bluetooth auto-connect

This setting allows you to connect your mobile device to the GemLightbox via Bluetooth automatically.

When you enable this feature, the GemLightbox and your mobile device will automatically connect via Bluetooth without requiring you to manually initiate the connection every time you want to use the GemLightbox. This can save time and effort, especially if you use the GemLightbox frequently.

Enable Stabilization Delay

The "Enable Camera Stabilization" feature in the GemLightbox application is designed to reduce camera shake and movement when capturing product images using your smartphone camera.

Enable Manual Focus

The manual focus feature in the GemLightbox application allows you to take control of the focus point and manually adjust it to ensure that your images are sharp and in focus.

White Balance

The white balance feature works by adjusting the color temperature of the image, measured in degrees Kelvin. The white balance feature allows you to select the appropriate color temperature setting to match the lighting conditions you wish to create. With our Continuous White Balance, toggling it on will allow you to be able to By doing so, you can ensure that the colors in your images appear accurate and true to life, and not tinted with any unwanted hues or color casts.


With the "logo" function in the GemLightbox application, you can easily upload your own logo or watermark and position it on your images or videos as desired. You can also adjust the opacity of the logo or watermark to make it more or less visible, depending on your preferences.

Add Watermark Text

This setting lets you add custom text to your jewelry images and videos as a watermark, which helps protect your work and promote your brand. Customize the text, font, size, position, transparency, and color to your preference, but be mindful of its placement to avoid detracting from your content's quality. Watermarking may slightly reduce visibility or quality, so consider its size and placement carefully. Overall, this feature is a helpful tool for branding your content and protecting your work from unauthorized use.


This is a shooting guideline made specifically for jewelry photography at the center of the camera as your reference when capturing photos or videos.

Enable Camera Aspect Ratio

Enabling the Camera Aspect Ratio will allow you to Capture images and videos in different camera proportions. This can be used to fit the different formats required when you post on social platforms such as Instagram, Youtube and Tiktok.

Use Renderscript - For Android Users

Renderscript on the GemLightbox application allows the processor load due to displaying the camera preview to be reduced using GPU in tandem with CPU. Toggling this on will also toggle Save photos in max resolution function on also.

CameraX - For Android Users

This is an API that is support by most devices. It provides a high-level and consistent API that abstracts the complexities of working with the camera hardware and underlying camera APIs on different Android devices. By using CameraX, developers can access camera features and capabilities across a wide range of Android devices without dealing with the device-specific intricacies.

Safe Mode - For Android Users

Use your smartphone’s native camera inside of the GemLightbox application.

Enable Eclipse Filter - For Android Users

Enable the Eclipse filter to use with the GemLightbox Eclipse. This can be used together with the GemLightbox filter.

Display SKU as text on photos - For Android Users

With this option, the SKU will be displayed on all images. This cannot be removed after the image is saved.

Reset Button

The Reset Button on the camera viewer provide users with a quick way to return the settings of the GemLightbox Application to its default settings